AUTHENTICITY: Keeping Myself Real in this Tragic World of Fake.
/Edition 2 Issue #27
Being authentic, it’s like a notch up from being honest. So since becoming honest is one of the primary Spiritual Keys to a program of recovery, one of the great Spiritual Key to the Journey of Enlightenment, why not kick it up a notch, and strive for authenticity in all my doings, in all my affairs. This is what life is all about. Open, transparent, and authentic should be primary principles in everyone’s toolkit, goals on the top of my list of everyday achievements.
How does this fit into my quest for Enlightenment to become more authentic in all my actions and thoughts? The principle of authenticity requires the ability to be true to oneself.
“To thine own self be True.” - William Shakespeare.
It is true; the Natural Being must seek “Authenticity”, so why would this be difficult for us humans? Well, because our ego-mind pushes us to be false, our conditioning is to place a façade, or false front, up in the face of possible judgement. We are so conditioned to feel the need to impress, conditioned to think we must be someone different than who we really are. We need to show different than who we really are because our conditioning, our ego-mind, tells us we are not good enough the way we are. If we didn’t have the blockages which got in our way, the blockages of our ego-mind telling us we must be different than who we really are, that we must demonstrate a false façade to look belter, to appear worthy. When the real Truth is that we are created in the image of GOD, and our authentic self is the highest order of Being!
Become as little children
So when, in the Bible, there is mention that the great Teacher: Jesus instructed us, His children; to “Become as little children”, what is this telling us? If we look closely at these words, and capture the above explanation of “Authenticity”, it should become clear to us that there is much work need to be done to remove the ego-mind, the lying, false front, or ‘façade’ if you will; which stand in the way of the “Sunlight of the Spirit” or achievement of Enlightenment as is our Divine right as children of God, as we are created in His Image.
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses' opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
~ Oscar Wilde
This is our primary purpose: To enable the Divine Purpose of the Universe to unfold. So I, as a recovered alcoholic therefore have two primary purposes, as I am bound by the Principles of the Program of AA to remain sober (read: clean of any and all drugs) to help others to achieve sobriety, and to practice the Principles laid out in the twelve Step of Alcoholics Anonymous in all my affairs” and also to “Enable the Divine Purpose of the Universe to unfold.” This is my Service to Humanity as was laid out to me by Divine Principles of the Laws of the Universe, or Source as I will refer to in much of my writing.
Photo by AUTHOR "AUTHENTIC HAPPY FATHER W/Children" ©Copyright 2015 All rights reserved
Authenticity-Chart ©Copyright 2015 All rights reserved
So when we look clearly at the differences we see what we are driven by ego-mind, and what we should be striving, and continually working towards to achieve Peace through liberation from ego-mind. The road to Enlightenment will be achieved through developing “AUTHENTICITY” of being. Come join us on this great Quest!
Look for next week’s edition on “TOLERANCE”. And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won’t miss a beat.
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