/“Today is The Day the Lord Hath Made, and We Will Rejoice and Be Glad in It” — Psalm 118:24
And so, my picth on Gratitude commences with a excerpt form the Bible, not necessarily because we are religious buffs here at Beyond The 12th, but because in our Spiritual Growth we recognize Christ Consciousness as Eternal and Visonary. We bring to you our perspective on Gratitude today as we move forward with the challenges of the day, of the month, of the year.
We all face challenges; those of us living in an Attitude of Gratitude, use the challenges in life as Steeping Stones to learning in life’s challenges. We embrace change, we embrace the Wave of Life, as if this is constant. And in fact it is a constant, the waves get bigger in storms. How big will your waves be today? What means do we have to calm this storm and Rejoice in the calm seas of life.
The Buddists, and so many other Spiritual schools of thought teach, and speak at Christ Consciousness, so why would we let a negative view on religion hold us back from examining closer what this Christ Consciousness is? And how we could use some of these teachings to better our lives, to weather the storms of our troubles, to overcome the challenges in life and be in a calm sea, where the Peace overcomes us. An Attitude of Gratitude grants us this.
I live a life of Great Gratitude for exactly that; to be able to better navigate the negativity and the challenges life throws at us. Like the trickster who continually invades my days, and creates difficulties and challenges, and after the first reactive episode, i look at my thoughts, take a step back in calm reflection, and let go. Letting go (“Let go and Let GOD!” a famous AA slogan) about this negative thing and I ask, calmly, that the trickster go away. I beseach the trickster to leave my space NOW!
When total darkness manifests: I ask when it’s very dark, three time: “demon be away from me a go back to your black hole!” And this ritual has a calming effect on the difficulty and restores balance.
Life is full of challenges. I now look at life as a whole in the same way as I look at the ocean, with the ebb of the tide, withthe calm seas, and the stormy seas. . . Continually changing and evolving but always calm, then storm, then calm again. And such is life. The sea, for millennia, has weathered the storm and remains constant, hardly budging from where it always was, eroding edges, evolving, accepting a bigger river in one area, and a smaller tributary in others, but always remains strong and constant.
I live like the sea, in Gratitude I experience the sorms, and the calm, and the gales with equal curiosity and embrace change now. And so let us all remember that “Change is constant, Growth, however, is optional and a choice you make.”
So ask yourself now, in this moment: “Do I chose Growth with each challenge the Universe throws at me, or do I remain constant and wallow in it?”
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