Edition 2 Issue #5


It’s already February of 2015; where does the time go? And now I must ask myself:  What can I do to progress? which practices will allow me to live a more fulfilling life in 2015 and beyond…(pun intended)?

Let’s look at how we can prepare for the exciting Valentines Day 2015, how can I best remove the things standing in the way of my progress, removing the walls blocking me from the “Sunlight of the Spirit”.  When I cleanse my Soul, my Aura will illuminate and I can best be of service to others, this will allow me to best be a partner, a lover, a parent, a son/daughter. 

Read more…


This is the greatest gift you can give to loved ones on Valentines Day 2015, and especially prepare for next week’s blog post on “LOVE”.  (Subscribe now to be sure to get this delivered directly to your inbox)  Learning to Love oneself is the first step in manifesting love, and projecting loving-kindness.  Let this be our ultimate goal: if God is Love then I must properly understand.  Look for next week’s blog post on “LOVE” right here!

Progress is what we are looking for.  In our last few posts we spoke of  “ego-mind(click to link), “letting go”(click to link), “change”(click to link), and “awareness”(click to link), these are stepping stones to removal of “RESENTMENTS” and the pain and suffering which are associated with holding onto resentments.

We need to properly understand and feel the resentment we are holding, know the damage this is causing to our Spirit body, know the damage this does as it affects the aura around us, the ability to properly relate to others, our ability to properly interact and communicate rest on our inner peace.  The greater our self- awareness,(our blog post on “SELF-AWARENESS” in April 2015, subscribe today to have it delivered directly to your inbox, you don’t want to miss it!) our inner-peace, the better we will express our feelings and concerns with our loved ones, and our interactions with other will improve.  We speak a lot today about empathy, seeing the other person’s side of things, placing ourselves in their shoes, so to speak, and truly communicating from the heart; this comes much more easily and naturally when we remove the barriers: the biggest of which is resentments.  This is a deadly one, we must, at all costs remove this wall blocking us from the “Sunlight of the Spirit” and our effectiveness in this world.  Removal of resentment where it grows, as soon as it is identified is the quality of the great leader, quality of the best followers, and quality of the best parent, son/daughter, friend, counsellor, doctor, nurse, basically everyone benefits from our getting out of our misery of resentfulness.  




How can I let go of “RESENTMENTS”?  Well the first step to this journey is willingness (look for our blog post on “WILLINGNESS” in April 2015, subscribe today to have it delivered directly to your inbox, you don’t want to miss it!)   I need to become completely willing to accept:


a)    I have a problem,

b)   I have been unable to solve it of my own will,

c)    The Universe (Source of ALL there is and ALL there ever will be) is welcoming and completely open to helping me do what I cannot do for myself.

Photo by author   
Marquis Safety Systems






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Photo by author   ©  2015  All rights reserved



These three important steps lead us to a place of surrender; I must completely surrender (our blog post on “SURRENDER” on March 25, 2015, subscribe today to have it delivered directly to your inbox) to be endowed with the Grace to properly let go of the things blocking us from the “Sunlight of the Spirit”, and resentment is a huge blockage.  Melody Beattie brings a twentieth century twist to an age-old analogy, bringing her life experience to an enlightened view, so we don’t all have to go to China and climb mountains, we can look inside and see the Truth:


climbing thousands of steps. For the first three hours we climbed…

While I huffed and puffed, silently praying… …a man suddenly approached from behind. He was bent over, his head almost touching the ground from the weight of the wooden beams on his back.  The beams looked like they weighed as much as he did.  When he passed… … awe replaced my fatigue.

…Later the man explained in broken English that the wood he carried was special, sacred.  It was to help repair the temple... Carrying the beams was a privilege to him, not a burden. When we started climbing again, the man moved with extraordinary strength and speed. He beat us to the top.

When we surrender, we get the Grace and strength to carry any legitimate burdens we have. Carrying them is important for the temple, other people, and us. Often we don’t see the benefits until later, after we’re done climbing. We can endure almost any pain or problem, or carry any burden–if it’s for a good reason.  Purpose (Bold is Bill’s) transforms ordinary tasks into sacred mission…                              Melody Beattie (Click the link to get more from Melody)


When am I actually in resentment?  How do I identify this feeling and set about letting them go, setting about freeing myself in surrender?  First we have to sit quietly and look for the true origin of the things we feel.  Usually resentment is something we feel towards someone who has done us wrong, who has so purposefully and willfully attacked or harmed us in some way.

When I set to writing this resentment down, to looking closely at my feelings in reference to this apparent hurt, I can write this in columns and define the process.  The closer I look at any resentment, properly writing down the chain of events I look for my part in the process, my part in the harm done and the origins of my feelings towards the hurt.  The closer I look, the more I define the process leading to the resentment I wrote down, the more I can identify there was a part could have been my fault, my wrong interpretation of an action or words leading to the bad ending.  Not properly taking the other persons past hurt and perspective: I find from personal experience that when I look deeply at any resentment I have, I find origins either in my perception of the event, the other person’s hurt becomes revealed. I don’t know their past, I don’t know what thinking leads them to do or say the things they say… I need to look at myself more closely, look at the empathy I have within, then from this place of empathy, look closely at the actions and reactions of the offensive party and ask myself: “Is this really worth me holding a resentment?”
Remembering the analogy of Buddha teaching:


Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned”


If we substitute here resentment for anger, which in fact is the same, we see our solution is not in retaliation, or holding this pain and suffering because the one hurt the most is the one holding onto the resentment… Let go NOW! This very moment let go….

REPEAT THIS MANTRA:  "If we meditate and do this work for all the things are ailing us, I will achieve Enlightenment and Peace of Mind."  - BILL WILSONSFRIEND


Look for next week’s edition on “LOVE”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly to your inbox, so you won't miss a beat.


Edition 2 Issue #4


Last week we faced “EGO-MIND”, and how to quiet the incessant chattering of the mind and achieve self-awareness and peace of mind.  The process may be slow, may be challenging; and needs self-discipline. 


This week we will take a closer look at “AWARENESS” (last week’s post on “AWARENESS” is available, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get all our blog posts delivered directly to your inbox) and how becoming aware, becoming also self-aware, will have a lasting impact on our lives and the lives of those who surround us, who affect our everyday lives.  These are the first people will notice the change, the fulfilment or you development will reflect in the relationships we maintain.


The more effort, or discipline you put into your practice, the more peace and serenity you will achieve. This means you must, at all costs, maintain your discipline; maintain your practice at the level you chose.  When you feel the benefits and you chose to increase your level of attention and effort, you will feel a shift, some challenging feelings and sensitivity will arise; this may be difficult at first because the Spirit entity within, or the Soul, is sensitive, the good you do will reflect positively in your surroundings, and the errors you notice you become more sensitive to environmental conditions, your Soul will be interacting more with your physical being, and the outer world, and you will feel the process throughout the detailed sensitivity, (read our newsletter on "SENSITIVITY" in April of 2015, sign up now to be sure to get our newsletter delivered directly to your inbox) do not let this hyper-sensitivity discourage you, there is nothing wrong with this.  The sensitivity is difficult to deal with only at first, and only because it is unfamiliar territory for most of us, meditate on it and ask for clarity, read Rumi, and Pema Chaudron, and other highly developed Spiritual writers and this process will became more clear to you, and the seeming suffering will turn into Joy, your Sensitivity will turn into a heightened awareness of your surroundings.  Neither let the errors hinder your development, sin is a fabrication of religion, you cannot sin; you can only err, to err is human, (more on “ERROR” in April 2015, sign up now to our newsletter and you will be sure to get all blog posts directly to your inbox)





Let us look at “AWARENESS” and allow the flow of the Universal Mind to permeate through us.  If we look closely at the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson:


“Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom which flows into your life. Then, without effort, you are impelled to truth and to perfect contentment.”   


When we carefully consider this statement, we have to take away from this the power of the Universe is with us, and within us, at all times and we only have to direct our thoughts carefully to raise our consciousness to the level where we are in awareness and therefore self-awareness comes naturally (look for a future blog post on “SELF-AWARENESS” in April 2015 sign up now to our newsletter and be sure to receive blog post directly to your inbox) and when we elevate our consciousness we are more able to not only be of service to the greater good, we will be in a place to affect change in the world.  Through being Present, through being mindful and purpose driven we will affect change without even being aware of this.  Our friends and family will recognize the change in us, will recognize the softening of our Spirit and openness we project through being aware, self-aware and Love will flow (see our blog post on “LOVE” end of March 2015 subscribe to our newsletter to get it delivered directly to your inbox).  We will elaborate more on this in future newsletters, but be assured we are not talking about sex; some of us confuse Love with sexual expression, or need to be intimate with another being, this is not the case.  Love and Universal Love of other fellow human Beings will come naturally, for some of us who may have lost the self-love, the self-awareness allowing us to Love ourselves completely; we must regain Love for oneself and a level of self-awareness before we can truly Love another Being.  


SOUL DEVELOPMENT                                                                            


So to sum up the above, we must maintain the meditation and personal, and soul, development described in the previous week’s post (last week’s post on “AWARENESS” is available click here, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get all our blog posts delivered directly to your inbox).  Through this practice we will develop our inner being, our sensitivity will grow, we will grow in awareness and develop self-awareness; and we will be of better service to our family, friends; and ultimately benefit the world consciousness.  Let this be your goal, or chose a goal specific to you needs and your family situation, and don't be afraid to change this as your circumstances change, and elevate your goals as your consciousness and connection to Universal Mind increases.  The purpose of our journey here in physical manifestation is to allow the Divine Spirit of the Universe to unfold: be an active part in this!


Look for next week’s edition on “RESENTMENT”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won't miss a beat.


Edition 2 Issue #3


Now mid-January of this sparkling year 2015, we get into the “EGO-MIND” and how this self-centered alter personality is out to get us. How the EGO-MIND is killing us slowly by trying to run the show.  I had a friend, the late Milton Merle, used to tell us: “My head has got a contract out on my ass!” and I understand what he was telling us; is if I listen to this continual and incessant chirping, chattering, negative self-talk, it drives me to do damage to myself, to loved ones, to the people surround me, and ultimately is killing me. We continuously hear about, or speak of, the hamster on a treadmill, the incessant chattering in our heads, the Disney, and other cartoons depicting a devil on one shoulder and the angel or wise man (person) on the other.  What is this creepy and challenging alter ego I will call “EGO-MIND”?




Several years ago I was reading an old Vedic text on meditation, I wanted to know more about this meditation stuff was supposed to help me shut off, or at least diminish, this chattering in my head.  So as I read a text translated from a language, which probably doesn’t even exist anymore, a language several thousand years old, a text far predating Christianity.  A text thousands of years before our new ideas of how meditation is the “in” thing….  As I read the text the teaching to beginners in meditation spoke of “monkey mind”, and I paused, haven’t ever seen monkeys in the wild, I have however experience chimpanzee enclaves like Jane Goodall works with... (More on this in another blog)  Not having witnessed monkeys live before, - I use the information I have from maybe the Discovery Channel, or National Geographic, or maybe it was Disney animation; as I picture monkeys jumping form tree limb to tree limp, haphazardly, with no rhyme nor rhythm.  Monkeys totally and unequivocally uncontrolled in their behaviour and uncontrollable in their conduct.  “This is my head!” I exclaim, and continue reading with fervour as I relate to this madness.  I actually thought I was alone in this insanity, I thought no one would understand me and here I am reading about this same way of uncontrolled chattering referred to as “monkey mind” so many thousand years ago by people totally unrelated, and a great distance form my family of origin.  All of a sudden I have something to work with, I have a base where I can relate to this “monkey mind’ stuff and know I am not alone. This is nothing new, I look at life from a whole new perspective, a new pair of glasses if you will, and particularly this reading on beginner meditation with renewed enthusiasm.  Now I know there is HOPE, I am filled with a new drive to purpose and refreshed in the thought I am not alone and there is HOPE for me, and all who seek it through MEDITATION.


I now embrace this meditation, how do I go about quietening this chatting and chattering of my head.  I read about the breath, how we use breath to control our head. Although some may say the breath is not important, as a beginner you will find it really important to get the rhythm going. To quiet the mind we focus first on breath, as this is a natural instinctive process, as we focus and count the breath we are taking focus away from the chattering and incessant chirpings from EGO-MIND.  So the purpose of the exercise being to slow down and stop the chattering in my head, not so easy as it sounds. This takes practice and we may tend to want to give up easily, but the rewards are immense.

Look at the list of successful people who meditate(d):

1.     Steve Jobs

2.     Sir Winston Churchill used to stare at flowers for hours on end, a form of deep meditation.

3.     Clint Eastwood

4.     Ronald Reagan

5.     Howard Stern

6.     Oprah Winfrey

7.     Russell Brand

8.     Jennifer Aniston

9.     Rupert Murdock

10.  Sir Paul McCartney

11.  Sky Ferreira

12.  Cheryl Crow

And hundreds more too many to list here…




Looking at how MEDITATION will actually reward me, I look more deeply into the benefits of quietening my mind.  The people in the list above who use, and/or used MEDITATION for not only their benefit, but for the greater good, as the short list above are people who affected us in our lifetimes, or had decisive impact on us historically.  I left out so many from this list like Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, all the great Spiritual leaders of past and present times speak of taking time for MEDITATION, sometimes days, weeks and many months long journey into self, for self-discovery, looking inside instead of the outer world where we in the west and modern, fast paced world are so focused on.  Using MEDITATION to connect with the Spirit of the Universe, with Universal Mind, and connecting deeply to the Source of ALL there is.   The peace I will find through quiet MEDITATION brings me to a place of serenity and reducing this incessant chatting, a place of inner peace and self-awareness which leaves me open to Gifts from Spirit and Miracles, a place where I can lead a purpose driven, meaningful life; for the benefit of ALL with no harm to no one.



So how do I “LET GO” (read Jan 7 blog on “Letting Go”(click here!))
How do I allow this meditation to slow down my head, my thinking, referred sometimes to “stinking-thinking”? How do I completely let go and slow down.

Just stay with us, here at, there will be meditation leanings and other resources available to you. Using yoga principles to get fit and in a meditative state, try this link


Completely letting go and embracing change is what worked for me, I now can live a meaningful, purpose driven life, something I couldn’t do until I identified my purpose in life, and let go of the things which were holding me back, the false ideas I had about how life should unfold and the damaging self-talk harming my Spiritual advancement.  I could not have arrived a finding a path in life without MEDITATION, and the direct benefits of slowing down the thought process. Of clearing the mind of the cobwebs and negative self-talk constantly hindered advancement.




I had to allow for the time it takes to completely let go. This doesn’t happen immediately, it doesn’t happen instantly like instant oatmeal, you have it ready when you want. This takes discipline, and if you are like me, an alcoholic of the seeming hopeless variety, we are an undisciplined lot, is how we are described in the book ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’ referred to as the ‘Big Book’, as an undisciplined person, it took me trial after trial. It took guided meditations and group meditations and I really had to want this thing.  This elusive quietening of my head seemed to take so, so long, so much trial and I had to keep at it.

We will introduce beginner meditation to our site now and offer free MEDITATION to you, our loyal readers. Remember Rome was not built in a day, and neither can you expect this miraculous meditative state to appear without continual trial and effort. I used the word miraculous because the state achieved from MEDITATION, which quietens the mind, is nothing short of miraculous and a source to Enlightenment and Spiritual wellness.


Look for next week’s edition on “AWARENESS”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won’t miss a beat.



Edition #2 Issue #2



Last week I wrote on “Letting Go”, and if you haven’t read it go back and click on it, because the start of change has to be in letting go of the past. As Albert Einstein kindly informed us:


“No problem can ever be solved at the level of awareness at which it was created.”                                                                                                                           

So what exactly does this mean?  - It means we have to change our perspective, change the way we look at life, the way we think things should be and start looking at other people’s perspective, and change our outlook to be understanding, accepting, believing, knowing our idea may not be the last and final; ‘all doing, all knowing’ perspective on a problem, or idea. Letting go of your past beliefs, is the commencement of change, and change in our thought patterns is key to bringing about lasting change in the way we interact with people, places and things.  How we act and interact with our environment is the key to our happiness.  And having people around us respect and like us.

Our past thought patterns leading to judgement and prejudice need to be suspended. Today we will look at how you can instil change in life by changing the way you look at life. How our past instructions, past belief systems, how our upbringing, or family of origin; affects our look on life, our perspective of life if you will. And how we need to change the way we look at things to bring about change.  Change has to start with the way we perceive our environment, how we look at things and how we are judgement filled.

 How our prejudices and thought patterns affect us in our everyday life is the start. When we are able to identify and suspend these thought patterns, our life will begin to change for the better.

Photograph by author &nbsp;&nbsp;© 2015; All rights reserved.

Photograph by author   © 2015  All rights reserved.



In suspending thought patterns of judgement, prejudice, preconception, we need to first look at how do we see the world? What are the learnings lead us to perceive things as we see them and what is the possibility this is incorrect, and only an image of our self-centered preconception of what things actually look like. What if the world is really much different from what my mind, my ego-self, preconceived notions, of what I am perceiving; what if, what I am accepting as real is flawed? Is all an illusion?

How do we change? – First we have to identify each and every instant when we feel emotion about an event, words, things… I need to take a step back and identify: Firstly identify my emotions, then identify my thought patterns and from here I need to move away from my historical beliefs, default settings if you will. I need to take a big step away from this thing is hurtful to me, the emotion will drive me to say or do something I may regret, something I may say or do which will cause harm, to me, or others. Wow! This is new to me, I always did things because.  Just because they are the right thing to do! Now how is this change coming about?  I need to look at the actions I am about to take, the feelings caused me to react, the consequences of my actions and why do I even have to feel anything at all.  What is really going on here? This is the question? What has my reaction to do with the big picture and how can we have good outcome for everyone and everything becomes as it should be in harmony. Do I have to be diplomatic? And look at the situation from the other person, or several persons’ perspective? Do I have to learn tact? To be empathic, and understanding? The answer to all these is YES! A huge YES! I need to rise above the game and look from the other person’s perspective, be it a spouse, a foe, a son or daughter, a parent, a boss, and employee, a guy in the bar, a gal at lunch butting in line because, you know, we’re all in a hurry.  No matter what the reason for feelings to rise up in me, I have to look at life from a very different perspective, rise above the occasion and step back and see from above. There is nothing worth anger or fear, or upsetting anyone here, how can I reach out tactfully and create a win/win situation from something so easily can go bad?

When I suspend judgement, suspend prejudice, like, honestly and fully, I am able to look at life differently.  When I use principles of Appreciative Inquiry (AI), or Empathic Listening (EL) skills to look at the world around me through other’s eyes is a great start to complete suspension for life as we know it.  These models, AI, and EL are but some of the teaching models we can use to commence this process. When we are able to properly identify with other world-view or paradigms if you will, we will be at the top of our game and make everyone around us look at us in a different light. They will learn a new respect and a new love for us as we are meant to be. Human!  Compassionate human beings; on this earth to learn to live amongst each other peacefully, and in complete harmony with natural world, this is what we should be striving for.



Can it all be an illusion?  - The way we look at life is through the lenses of the upbringing. The way we think, feel, see, and act/react is a mirror image of the people we look up to; sometimes without wanting to. The violent man could possibly a mirror image of his father; even if he promised himself he will never treat anybody like the way he was brought up, so many years later identifying the same traits and behaviors in himself. I know this from firsthand experience, we mimic the things we know, and if there is no change, there is no change.  The inner work needed to create this change is deep and needs to be addressed, even if it’s not violent as in my case. Any behavior we inherit is but an illusion and we need to delve deeply into the default setting and do the inner work required to reset the settings and realize just all an illusion.  

In this New Year, this is the time to set this goal, work toward CHANGE and inner peace by letting go and accepting the things we so cling onto may be killing us and its time NOW, this very moment to CHANGE!


Look for next week’s edition on “EGO-MIND”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won’t miss a beat.



Edition #2 Issue #1



Hello all: A brand New Year and all the best, let’s make it the greatest success in our lives so far, moving forward to a bigger and better today!


Let’s create a bigger and better today by remaining in the moment, and living in today.  This doesn’t mean not to make goals, goals are very important and we will look at these closer in future blog posts. It is so important to live today, just for today, and leave the past behind. We need to look closely at the past to let it go. We need to meditate and to look at the pain and suffering we create; the pain we have lived through, the pain we cause others. And until we can come to terms with the behaviors and the cause of the pain, we will continue to look at life the same way. Remember what the great savant Albert Einstein said: “We cannot fix the problem with the same mindset which created it!” Or something to this effect; I hear this often in the rooms. What does it really mean? 


It really means the baggage we are carrying, the way we look at the world, the ideas we have, are all based on our past experiences and until we learn to ‘LET GO’  we will continue to behave, act out, think others have something against us, are conspiring….etc. No one understands the pain I feel.  Until we can let go absolutely, letting go of the thought pattern which is killing us, we will continue to think and act as we always have.  As my dear late friend Scotty Swan used to say; “If there is no change, there is no change!” And then in this case things remain static and we repeat the same over and over and over… You get the point. This is all about change.




Today we are all looking at our New Year’s resolutions. Have we included cleaning house?  And I don’t mean cleaning your rooms, apartments, homes and mansions, whichever the case may be: I mean taking a complete and fearless moral inventory and looking at the things in the past cause me to think the way I do.  The way I think is a great cause of all the pain and suffering I cause myself, and I cause to others, especially the ones I love I continue to do hurtful things, re-act and act the way I do because of the set beliefs I hold onto. Today is the start of a new day, a day when I can, and will, change the way I think, the way I look at others, the way I look at life!

Today I want to discuss with you one of the most important resolutions you can embark upon and its LIFE CHANGING in we will look at LETTING GO of our past experiences, letting go of the way we look at life.  We need to understand we are different from everyone else in the way we think.  Yes I said we are all One, and we are, but our experiences cause us to re-create the patterns of thinking and behavior of our forefathers, our parents, our fellow gang members, our friends and acquaintances, our role models and our surroundings.




We need to take a huge step back and re-focus. Look at the world around you as a brand new place; drop all past ideas and ideals and look with a brand new perspective, a new pair of glasses if you will. Look at things as if you were a child and you look at everything and see it a new. You can use a mantra if you will, such as; “this thing, emotion, object, feeling, is new, I do not associate it with anything in my past, yesterday’s gone, there is nothing I can do about yesterday yet I can look at this thing in a new perspective. Imagine I am you,(or use GOD, if you want; as in “What would GOD do?”), how would you look at this thing, feeling, emotion, action….”


When I properly practicing this detachment from all past experiences, I can look at life as new, as different from what I have always done.  Different perspective allow for different outcomes. When I test this way, what happens?  Are the people around me reacting differently to me? Are they being more accepting? Are people close to me looking at me funny, and then smiling as they turn their respective heads and wonder what happened?


These are some the reactions and actions I observed when I completely let go of the things I thought I felt, I let go of the hurt and pain I was carrying so proudly as the big chip on my shoulder: “You don’t know where I’ve been, what I’ve done, what’s been done to me… You don’t know!” And so I carried this chip on my shoulder until I did the housecleaning and inner work needed. Talk to a doctor, counsellor, or go to a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, of Narcotics Anonymous or another Anonymous group you may find in your directory. Alternately contact these people at Hazelden/Betty Ford(click) and ask for a consultation.  There are so many resources; we need not suffer any more. There is hope for us now, this very moment, this very instant. Pick up the phone and come forth and get the help you need.



Now I will offer a free Meditation on this “LETTING GO” topic will be posted on our website on the home page in the next few days.  This will be a Guided Meditation on LETTING GO, so that you can all practice and feel the release of being able to completely let go of the things are making us suffer, from our past, mostly and subject to out conception of the future. Live for today, for the Moment, in the NOW!

Watch for it soon, a guided mediation on our home page free for 12 weeks, a 19.99 value free for 12 weeks for you from me!




Look for next week’s edition on “CHANGE”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won’t miss a beat.


Edition #1 Issue #12


New Years; in preparation to ringing in the New Year 2015, and a very special year it, I bring you writing on Faith. Yes Faith! And you may ask what is Faith? Faith is the seed of the Divine Spirit within your Soul seeking to reach Divine Love and manifest. In Prayer and Meditation we invite the Spirit within us to grow; this is Faith! It is knowledge there is a substance permeating within, and throughout all things, has dominion over all and yet no physical substance to be measurable and quantifiable. A substance of pure energy, which is both omnipresent and omnipotent; it is knowing miracles are real and happen continually, most small, yet some of tremendous importance to humankind. It is knowing and feeling the Presence. The more effort we make in meditation, the stronger the feeling of the Presence. 

Faith is needed in every aspect of life and especially in these transitory times of Global Awakening where we need to be strong in our Faith and know GOD crystalizes through our hearts, the GOD seed is in a place so miraculous, right here in your heart, and as you accept the Grace of GOD, and through Faith develop this GOD seed within you and we all become stronger in Faith, stronger in our unity and common consciousness developing intuitive ties with each other and developing the faculty of telepathy. On telepathy, we may not be close enough in our lifetimes, but I do believe the human race is developing these faculties and in future generations will be actually be able to communicate silently among our race.




Faith, as an alternative to fear, is the Divine Gift within us as and we know the opposite of fear is Love; Divine Love is a blessing and the only real emotion.  GOD is Love and the only real substance here.  We will discuss this more in months to come; we will get a better understanding of what is image and illusion. For now let us concentrate on Faith and how we need to have an alternative to fear in Faith until we can truly replace fear with Love, GOD Love: The only true emotion.  Until we can completely grasp this Divine Principle of Love we need to assume Faith in all aspects of our lives, to replace self-will with God’s will for us and the power to carry it out by stating:

God - Direct me in my thinking
        - Show me your will for me
                  - Give me the Power to carry it out

Having expressed our desire to follow His (or Her, as my wife kindly pointed out to me one day: If God gave birth to this World, and only women can birth something from the womb, then naturally GOD must be woman! Go figure, so much for the religious icon of a paternal GOD) rather than self-will and the destructive forces attached to the inconsistent and harmful voices of ego-mind, we find, in Prayer and Meditation the inner voice guiding us to Grace, The Grace of GOD being available right here for us at all times, when we finally accept this Grace, this Gift from the Universal Source as ours, as our inheritance rather than something we have to deserve, or have to make oaths of poverty and commitment to religious icons of past. We need to accept, and completely concede this Grace of GOD is ours to take without any condition whatsoever. Once we accept this Gift from the Divine Substance Permeates through all things, we discover we are not alone, we will never feel lonely again. We will never feel desperation once we completely give ourselves to this process and act in total Faith. Faith the Universe only wants the best for us, Faith that GOD is Love and we are Loved at all times through all challenges and difficulties, no matter what we have done or what has been done to us. When we forgive ourselves and seek forgiveness from all those we may have harmed, we are released. (On FOREGIVENESS see blog archives (click here) October 29, 2014) Once release happens, the gates to freedom open and we remain in the Grace of GOD for the rest of life, our soul is released and only good can be produced from this. Good only can produce good! There is no other release in our soul development than to achieve this release through Faith. May you live in this peace NOW!


Stay with us for more on the Faith and Love will release us, will guarantee us to never, ever feel lonely again. To forever live in a place of complete release from the grips of pain and self-loathing, self-seeking and self-absorption the ego-mind keeps us trapped in until such time as we accept the Grace of GOD in total unconditional Faith in His Love.


Happy New Year! To you, all our friends, especially all our new friends, and all readers who, hopefully, will become friends through a Spiritual Solution. I sincerely hope I can effect change in your lives, and in the world in 2015 and in years to come through this new entity that is BEYOND THE 12th STEP.  So very excited, grateful and blessed to commence these writings and to reach so many people. Our community is growing, is building throughout the world thanks to you, our readers and your sharing our blog with your friends and your circles. We really appreciate you sharing the writings with others when you find something worthwhile in the readings. Also we encourage you to comment and to connect with us directly with the email at the bottom of the page should you have questions, or would like to contribute to our page. Eventually, with reader contributions and engagement, we will publish daily, and some of those could be your writings and contributions.


Look for next week’s edition on “LETTING GO”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won’t miss a beat.




Edition 1 Issue #11


A Joyous and Happy festive season to all; it’s Christmas, one of the biggest holidays of the year and the celebrations have been going on for months, especially the shopping.  Since Black Friday and Thanksgiving we are immersed in a frenzy of buying and shopping and festivities.  For some of us it is a time of great joy and family gathering and re-connecting.  Reconnecting with friends and acquaintances we haven’t seen possibly for a year.


Why is Christ in Christ-Mass? Well it’s a Celebration, a Mass or Ceremony honouring Christ the Lord, son of God who manifested in human form, like us, to teach us the path of the Spirit, the principles of right living, Christ Consciousness, or Universal Laws. Enjoy the Celebration, and remember: whatever you conception of God, this story of a child of God being among, his story, is symbolic in it depicts the right consciousness to achieve Enlightenment, and he promised it was possible for any and all of us to achieve this. The Grace of God is right here for us at all times. We don't need to do anything special, or be anyone special to deserve it, we only have to recognize it and accept it is ours for the taking. Period!


Holy Night


Recently I was listening to a sermon and the theme was the song “Holy Night” and the metaphysical power this song has.  The pastor mentioned the WW1 Christmas Eve when this song, “Holy Night” sung on Christmas Eve from both the British and the German side created a ‘ceasefire’ or truce, and the troops actually engaged on the front line exchanging gifts and possibly even had a football (soccer here in North America) match. 


What Greatness GOD Creates when we allow this.  GOD allowed us, his children, the power of choice.  And with this power of choice we chose to create ego-mind  (read about EGO-MIND in January 2015 right here, tune into this station.  Or better yet, subscribe to our newsletter to be sure to get the latest blog delivered right where you can get it every week!)  and when we are in our ego, or otherwise explained as the hamster running on the wheel in our heads, the constant chirping and ideas which are killing us, but we can’t change the default, no matter how bad it gets it’s our ‘comfort zone’, our natural state of consciousness returns to the ‘default’ settings until we make up our minds to do inner work of healing and “reprogramming”.  We found the 12 step work of AA, or other affiliated programs (World Services of Alcoholics Anonymous says there are about 160 active 12 Step Programs derived from the original AA, and there have been over 300 “12 Step” groups of all kinds formed aver the years since AA was formed in 1935) including narcotics Anonymous, Weight Watchers Anonymous, Co-Dependants Anonymous, etc.… We can go on, the point here is the 12 Steps works for not only alcoholics and addicts but would be beneficial to all who feel the need for change and find a Spiritual Solution.  Here at Beyond the 12th Step we share the road to Enlightenment, the path to salvation and Peace.  Individuation or Self-Realization are other terms for the path we seek, as well as the Red Road in North American Aboriginal culture. And remember Sigmund Freud informed us many years ago that “Native North Americans are some of the most Spiritually developed peoples in the world”.  In future blog posts I will describe my experiences with the First Nations Tribe: Esktem’c Peoples at Alkali Lake up in CANADA. They have a strong community and have just celebrated 40 years of sobriety, the whole reserve is now dry (read in the 90 percentile or so at last information. A community, who did not have a sober member 50 years ago and was known as “Alcohol Lake”, see the documentary “Honour of All” for more information and an amazing store of healing.)

Photo by author  © 2014 All rights reserved



For others it is a time of loneliness, of regret, of remembering the lost connections, the wreckage of our past the harm we have done to others and/or the separation we were victim of or which we created.  Disassociation from friends and family as our alcoholic, or addiction worsened and we sever ties.  We sever ties with not only friends and family and all those expressing Love for us, usually because it stands in the way of our alcoholism and addiction.  We allow our families to celebrate Christmas and other holidays without us and in our denial think we are hurting no one but ourselves, oh how wrong we are. The people love us the most we forsake, just as we forsake our Creator and cry foul saying God has forsaken me, oh woe is me… When it is us who create separation, separation from the Sunlight of the Spirit and all that is good.  We are so in denial, we think we aren’t harming anyone else, and is we keep away as our behaviour worsens it’s better for everyone.  Not realizing this causes great harm, loss and sadness to our loved ones and families.  We don’t realize the pain we create thinking we are the only ones suffering.  Justifying by telling ourselves no one really cares, no one really understands we are so alone and we need to continue on this journey of self-destruction… Until we crash and burn so bad, until we harm ourselves or someone else irreversibly and wind up in jail, or hospitals, or institutions.  Or maybe an intervention occurs, at first causing us such grief and pain, but for some this creates a realization we are harming our loved ones, they really do care and only recovery and a re-connection to a Power Greater than ourselves which restores us to sanity, and health, is the answer.  For some of us it could happens relatively easily, for others much more challenging in the journey. 


A friend was sharing the fact he broke his neck and was on his death bed was not enough to make him stop drinking.  He shared how he lived to drink, and on his recovery journey, having survived breaking his neck, he still couldn’t stop drinking because the conditioning and habit to drink is just too strong.




I relate this to our ‘default’ setting, and the story goes like this:  Have you ever had a computer of a smartphone, cell phone, where there was some program or setting you changed.  Then all of a sudden it was back the way it was, you take all the time and technical skill you can muster and change the setting again.  Like, let’s say the ring tone has a default, really annoying ring’ so I figured out, in the settings, and then in ring tones and then more settings and then how to download, for me this is days and days’ worth of research and work…  I get the ring tone changed.  Plug the phone in and later when my friend calls it’s the ‘default’ ring tone!  I go back in and change it again, only to have it default back to the initial annoying tone. Human condition: changing the default is only achieved through careful inner work and changing of habit form, over time it works, it really does. But only if it carefully and honestly worked at.


Well our alcoholism/addictions are like this for a lot of us.  We do some work, we try and stop, we get into a program of recovery, we make up our minds we really have had enough of hurting and hurting others and of the wreckage and on and on.  We have had enough, and do the work.  Only to have the default setting bring us right back where we started off.  In the grips of our illness:  And ill-ness it is, dis-ease at its worse and most aggressive is when we are in our heads, and in ego-driven



Look for next week’s edition, the first of the New Year, on “FAITH”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly to your inbox, you won’t miss a beat.




EDITION 1 Issue  #10


Coming home from a meeting Saturday night, (yes I spend my Saturday nights in a meeting, I have learned to come to meetings because I enjoy the fellowship and I need to give of myself to retain my sobriety… More on this in another issue) reviewing the meeting in my head:

The meeting was excellent, one of my favorite times of the week when we sit in a semi-circle around a huge fireplace in a Church annex.  I shared on ‘guilt and shame’ and why, deep inside, I have a need to hold onto the things that are so damaging, so painful and so detrimental to continued evolution in the journey to Enlightenment.  Why I hold onto past guilt and shame of things I had no control over, or things I did because  of what I knew, of how I grew up, of the way things were before change came about.  I dwell in the past sometimes and feel the deep guilt of how I hurt others, especially loved ones.  But I need to get past this guilt and shame, I need to write out the 4th step on the things which are killing me, killing me because deep inside I hold on to the horrible feeling it’s all my fault, when in fact its not my fault.  “I did the things I did because I knew the things I knew.”(The late Scott Swan used to express this all the time, and I borrow from him. May he rest in peace).



So if I’m doing the same thing over and over and hurting the ones I love the most in life, over and over, something has got to give.  (It appears the common description of insanity come from Einstein’s saying about defining insanity by doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results, usually getting the same result from the same conduct…) Something has got to change, something has got to give.  When I asked what I needed to change, my AA sponsor (Bob R. of River Group Ladner) said: ‘everything”.  Say what?  He said “everything”; you need to change everything, the way you think, your habits, your circle of friends, the way you treat people.  You have to re-learn how to live. (This is what the 12 Step work does, it has us do inner-work which changes our thinking patterns to live by principles of Universal Love. Principles of Universal Law.)   The past is gone, it will never come back, you can’t change it, but you can change the now!  You can change the future by doing the work instils change.  You need to change the way you interact with others, the way your warped, gangland thinking treats others has to go.  You have to learn to think, act, and react from a place of caring and empathy.  From a new ‘world-view’ of Love, of loving others, of loving the neighbor and the guys, and gals, I didn't like.  Knowing people are different I didn't have to like the way or the look of how you are, but I had lo learn to Love; to Love fellow humans for what they were: fellow human in the human condition.  Given the power of choice, we don’t always choose what’s best for us.  I had to re-look at all life and know however you acted and thought was beyond my control, but I had to look at you all with Love and compassion, no matter how different, I needed to learn acceptance and remove myself from judgement.  How hard is this?  Extremely difficult at first: I was so judgemental of everything you do, everything you say, of the way you acted, even the way you walked, or sat, or everything….  I was so sick and full of judgement.

Photo by author All rights reserved&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Marquis Safety Systems







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Photo by author All rights reserved         © 2014



I see I’m not alone because my fellows are deeply interested with my compelling argument the need for change is real, yet we hold out. Some of us, maybe most of us, held out for a long time before admitting there was a problem, for some of us, even after we admitted there was a problem, held out. We thought we could do it on our own. We thought we could find the ‘simpler softer way, but we could not.’ All our attempts are the ego expressing the need to remain in fear. Remaining in guilt and shame guarantees the ego we will not find peace, for peace is in the Present moment, peace resides in the ”NOW” and we cannot achieve being in the “NOW” unless we replace the fear with Love.

 Our continued denial of the ego-mind and reliance on the fear of past experience to guide us towards our future. This resistance to change is a part of the human condition.  We have a solution: a solution based in using the Universal Love, and a Spiritual Solution attained through inner-work followed by continuous devotion to Prayer and Meditation.  



Love for the Universal Creation, or GOD as I understand now, is the Liberation and Atonement.  Love for myself!  Yes, self-Love.  We could write a book on this alone.  How, when I came into recovery, I was in such pain and emptiness.  When I heard in the rooms someone speak the words: “Let us Love you until you can Love yourself” I cringed inside.  I felt this horrible sense of unease; an emptiness inside which I couldn’t put my finger on.  Horrible uneasiness crept over me and I shut down.  I wanted only to escape. I wanted to run away, like I always did in the face of emotion, run…  Escape the only way I knew how, in oblivion induced by excessive amounts of alcohol and drugs.  I seldom had an urge to do drugs first, or on their own, but as soon as I though of the drink in my hand, I knew I needed something more to take me to the next level of numbness.  The next level of escape, escape from the fear, escape from the uncertainty, escape from the inability to cope with the way life was unfolding.  Not having cultivated the skill set most humans develop through the cognitive stage of development, pre-teen through teen years, since I had continually escaped through substance abuse to quash all feelings and emotion. I didn’t have the tools required to deal wish life on life’s terms.  Escape was needed until I found:



I came into the room broken, a lost souls without hope.  In a “seemingly hopeless state of mind and body” so the book (Alcoholics Anonymous) expresses the way I was, the way I felt, the way life treated me.  The way I think, the way I feel, the desperation until fellow members guided me through the work, the inner-work of the 12 steps led me to find myself, led me to sanity and finding UNIVERSAL MIND’ or GOD as I understand Him(Her), this finding is the expression of evolutionary expansion of the universe.  I learnt self-awareness, and mindfulness; and a new way of living based on empathy and compassion.  Now I know I am a part of this; a part of the Oneness of this Universal Consciousness and forever I will be Thankful and Grateful for what has been revealed to me.  And here I need to express this Gratitude in continuously sharing the on the Gifts freely given to me by Universal Mind.  May you find this NOW! 


We are a community here to help.  We are a Faith based organization and welcome your feedback.  We welcome your comments and hope you feel the compulsion to give and subscribe to our community so we can continue our beneficial work and keep this site, our community and outreach going for long time coming.  We encourage your support; we encourage you to join us in prayer and meditation. We encourage you to share as contributing writes if you feel the urge to submit in the 1200 word range, we welcome your participation though we cannot guarantee we will publish your work, we will carefully look at all submissions for clarity and context speaking to the solution.



Look for next week’s edition on “CHRIST-MASS”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly in your mailbox, you won’t miss a beat.



Edition 1 Issue #9

I’ve been posting on Wednesdays since we went live on October 22, 2014 and will continued with the weekly post which ultimately we may shift to a twice weekly, or possibly a daily newsletter with writings from selected contributors, but I felt a need to write this 12/12 blog and to let you all know that even though I write mostly about the 12 Steps in recovery highlighting Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous in particular, and our journey to enlightenment through a Spiritual Solution.  I want you to know that our outreach is far more than to the alcoholic and the addict.  We support and recommend, in effect, anyone who is suffering and especially victims of abuse or bullying, and other terrible tragedy leads to depression, being overly self-critical and self-harm, and ultimately to addiction or suicidal thoughts.  You need us, and we are here for you because we know what it’s like to be a victim.

We know what it’s like to feel lesser than, to feel neglected or abused, and bullied and stuff because we have been there… We so understand what it’s like ‘cause for a lot of us that’s when the addiction started to ease the pain of abuse, and the cycle started into drug and alcohol abuse, to numb the pain.  To escape from reality, to dull the desperation we felt.  It started with the neglect, or the physical and then sexual abuse and led to drinking and drugging and then to prostitution either as a runaway or to pay the pusher for the dope; and then the pusher became the pimp. The cycle of infinite desperation commences and then never stops until we find a glimmer of hope.


This is where we come in.  We offer not only HOPE, but a Spiritual Solution to the problems of not being able to cope with life as we know it.  So we had to find a different way.  Some of us found the Spiritual Solution in Narcotics Anonymous and the 12 Step work.  Others found Salvation through the 12 Step work of the original Alcoholics Anonymous groups; where we found people just like us who had lost at the game of life.  They said “Stick with the winners.”  I asked where are the winners if they are like me and lost at the game of life?  Little did I know we are the chosen few who will recover from this seemingly hopeless place of mind and body.  Who felt desperation and emptiness and through the 12 Step work and a Spiritual Awakening found our Creator; in a Power Greater than ourselves who restored us to sanity, because we had become insane!  Insane, (read this week’s blog on INSANITY below) yes, I was out of my mind!  Everything I did was to get my own way, was ego-driven and self-centered to the core.  I was insane! 

I needed to find a solution; and the solution found me through the Grace of a Higher Power.  The Power we no longer knew we had.  I had disconnected from Oneness without knowing it.  I felt this hole in my stomach and continuously tried to fill the emptiness with outside things.  With stuff, we stuffed our feelings with stuff, physical stuff like toys, bigger and better cars and homes, and TV’s; or with food, or alcohol or drugs or prescriptions and sometimes mixing one with the other, and for some of us all the above looking for bigger stuff, stronger stuff, more stuff, always stuff:  Until we no longer wanted to be in this horrible world.  For me, who now doesn’t believe there actually is a hell, I created my hell on earth, a place of despair and desperation, a place of emptiness and loathing.  I no longer loved myself and so I felt so empty I needed a hell to manifest the feelings I had...  Oh how wrong I was.  How horrible a place I created for myself when Heaven is at the tip of my fingers, yet I didn’t know it.  I thought I deserved what I got, what I had.  I thought I deserved to be alone, empty, full of fear and depression.  I thought I wasn’t worthy of the nicer things in life because of the things I had done, the things had been done to me.  The way it was!



Here is how wrong I was.  I didn’t have to live in hell.  I didn’t have to live the feelings I had, it was all an illusion created from an insane mind who had lost sanity from excessive drugs and alcohol and abuse and everything.  Then I found out it didn’t have to be this was.  There was Hope; there was Hope in the discovery of twelve steps to freedom.  The freedom from this self-serving and self-loathing, being empty of all feeling; freedom from bondage of self was in the inner work of the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.  This is where I found my Freedom.  As I began the journey, thinking I was learning about addiction and alcoholism, I soon discovered the purpose was to find a Higher Power, a Power Greater than myself who would relieve me of the insanity I was living.  I discovered the step work was not about finding out about alcoholism, but a journey of self-discovery, of inner work, and the journey to Enlightenment began.  A Spiritual Solution was a hand and I had to completely give myself to the program to be able to manifest the Light I was being freely given.  I learnt, among other things, that the Grace of God is at the tip of our fingers at all times.  Having been given the power of choice, I had chosen to ignore it and let it sit there unused for so long.  Unused Power of Creation, right there at my fingertips my whole life!  Today I chose to accept this, to hold the Love and Light of the Infinite Source close to my heart.  This Power: a Power Greater than ‘ourselves’ can be found in a miraculous place in our heart, or so the book Alcoholics Anonymous tells us.  Right here in my heart the whole time, I chose to ignore it.  So with the Hope of the twelve step work, I went from despair to relief.  It wasn’t easy but the journey was worth it.



My salvation was in the steps and the inner work this gift which was freely given to be, helped by the others who had recognized this gift and held onto it for dear life as once we held onto the things which were killing us, we held onto them for dear life, and for some of us it killed them, for others it made us strong enough, to want it enough, to do the work to the best of our ability.  Nowhere does the work tell us we need to be perfect, to work perfectly, it allows us to be human and assures us progress rather than perfection is the goal.  And slowly, progressively the light shines brighter and brighter within us.. And God puts people, places and things in our path to help us grow, to help us shine and discover a whole new world.  A whole new Heavenly place where we can discover Gratitude on a daily basis, on and moment to moment basis and we can feel the present moment like we never knew existed.



Yours in Love and Light,

Friend of Bill W. (I use the pseudonym, or pen name, “Bill Wilsonsfriend” on Facebook and other writings. For those who recognize me, I will ask you to protect my anonymity.)

#victim  #abuse #suicide #harm #kindnessmatters #wordshurt #alcoholism #recovery #addiction



Edition 1 Issue #8

Here’s a big one! INSANITY!  Wow!  When I was told I was insane when I drink, when I drug, when I feel the need to get my way, when I am selfish and self-centered I am in the grips of ego-mind!  (Read my blog post on EGO-MIND at the end of January 2015.  Subscribe now and you can get it delivered directly to your preferred email).   What insanity!  I do and act out in hurtful ways to get MY way.  Most often not realizing I am hurting the ones I most love in life.  Am I really INSANE?  The answer for all of us alcoholics and addicts is an astounding YES!  My thinking is on a level of insanity when I’m ego-driven, selfish thoughts are insane.  I do and act in ways normal people would find appalling.  And it’s not limited to those of us abuse drugs and/or alcohol and other harmful behaviors, but everyone feels separation from the Source (which I choose to call GOD, the GOD of my understanding and not a religious icon on a pedestal. More on this in another issue)


How do we move away from insanity, from the constant chirping in our head tells us it’s okay to do the things we do?  We do the things we do because we know the things we know.  If I don’t realize my insanity, that my actions are harmful to others, I will never be able to move forward.  It’s when we realize, sometimes because someone says to us we need help, sometimes we see in ourselves, for a fleeting moment, we aren’t who we wish to be, who we once aspired to be.  This is the moment of TRUTH, grasp it!

Photograph&nbsp;by author all rights reserved © 2014

Photograph by author all rights reserved © 2014





The moment of truth is when we realize there is something wrong.  This is the first inkling into self-awareness.  Grasp this moment and don’t let go.  As soon as there is enough awareness to know there is a problem, you have identified ego-mind and ego-mind is harmful to the greater good of YOU!  This is where you must tell ego-mind to get away, stand behind me ego.  This is where we are open to the first step: “We have to complete admit to our innermost selves that we are alcoholics.” (This is the start of the 3rd paragraph of the chapter “More about Alcoholism” from the Big Book of AA. Step one.)

Or for me I interchange the word alcoholic to, and excuse me to those clean minded as I swear, I interchanged alcoholic to “I’m fucked”.  I completely admitted to my innermost self that I was FUCKED, and that I could no longer safely direct my own life.  I then surrendered my will and my life over to a power greater than myself and began a life based on prayer, meditation and completion of twelve step work.  I did twelve step work to the best of my ability and have come out the other end with an understanding of a Greater Power, a GOD of my understanding where I can say, in all honesty:


GOD  -            Direct me in my thinking,

    -                         Show me your will for me

     -                       And Give me the Power to carry that out.





From the moment I became willing to allow a Power Greater than myself access to relieve me from the bondage of self.  The bondage of self-centeredness, selfishness was the moment I allowed the miracle of self-awareness to enter my life, to open my soul to the beauties of the Divine, to allow the Grace of a Higher Power to relieve me from the torment of my selfishness and ego-mind.  As I mentioned in past blogs, my dear departed friend Milton Merle would say: “My head’s got a contract out on my ass!” and sure enough I understand that left to my own devices I am a train wreck waiting to happen!  But what exactly does all this mean?  It means when I am running on self-will, when my ego is running the show; I am selfish and self-centred to the core and only leave a legacy of harm and hurtful behind in my wake.


Salvation begins when the realization is there, the step to surrender is realization.  When we see in ourselves we are beaten down by the demoralizing desperation to end it all.  To no longer live on self-will run riot.  This is the moment of truth where we can be open to help.  Help of a Divine Entity which indeed permeates through everything and which has its center in a place which is indeed Miraculous, This place is in your Heart.  This place which is indeed miraculous is in YOU HEART!  May YOU FIND THIS NOW!


Finding the Great Gift of Grace within your Heart:  It’s been there all along and waiting for us to grasp it and hold on with dear life.  Most of my life I held on with all I had to the things that were killing me.  I was so afraid of change, change is a scary place therefore we hold on for dear life to our default setting.  No matter how painful this default setting, no matter what damage we cause in the past, we can’t let go of the default, no matter how painful, we can’t let go of our default.  This is our place of comfort, our comfort zone, and even as it gets worse, we hand on.  We fear change; we are living in fear, in fear of change, in fear of ourselves, in FEAR as a permanent state and we so fear change.

It’s only in change that we can achieve Salvation from the bondage of self, Salvation from this life of pain, from this life of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different outcomes (Albert Einstein told us we can’t solve the problem with the same thinking caused it, or something to that effect.)  We must embrace change for the better, let go of the things are killing us, the things holding us back from a life of ease and comfort.  A life of freedom and Serenity; may you find this NOW!


Look for next week’s edition on “GUILT & SHAME”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won’t miss a beat.


Duality of Being


EDITION 1 Issue #7




What is “Duality of Being”?  We will identify this with an easy to grasp example from the Bugs Bunny[i] cartoons where the character has an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other.  Remember seeing this?  Well this is what your head is like when you are torn between two thought processes, the good and the bad.  Angel and devil…. Which one do I listen to?  Usually it’s the self-serving, ego driven thought process leads to self-satisfaction, or relief from pain.  Anything which gives short term pleasure with no regard for the other people in my life; for me it’s the easy answer, the easy solution is the one which will be self-gratifying and self-serving.  Often-times to the detriment of family, or friends, people around at the time of the decision and those I love the most suffer from my selfish, ego-driven thought process.


Relief from self


How do we find relief from the self-serving, ego-driven thought processes lead us to the feelings of being torn between good and bad?  Stevie Ray Vaughan (written with Doyle Bramhall ©1989 In Step (Epic EK-45024) used under “Fair use”) sings about being;


 “Caught up in a whirlwind can't catch my breath,
knee deep in hot water broke out in a cold sweat
Can't catch a turtle in this rat race,
feels like I'm losin' time at a breakneck pace”


And I can so relate to these words, so well defining my thought pattern of being caught up in the whirlwind of my lies and manipulation.  The crazy, insane things I did, and do, to get my way, to get what I need.  They further describe the ego generated insanity with:


“Afraid of my own shadow in the face of grace,
heart full of darkness spotlight on my face
There was love all around me but I was lookin' for revenge,
thank God it never found me would have been the end
I was walkin' the tightrope steppin' on my friends…”


Especially rings out to me is the part “heart full of darkness spotlight on my face” in my self-serving ego-driven selfishness i.e. “spotlight on my face”, my heart is full of darkness because I am taking away from any gift Grace would offer me by separation, separation from the Universal Mind, or Great Creator.  Separation (look for our blog on “SEPARATION” in a February 2015 issue) from GOD and any Love of fellows, Love for my family and friends sorta disappears when duality of being pulls me to the bad side, or tips me over the rope to the evil being my ego wishes to keep me in.

Photo by author&nbsp;© 2014

Photo by author © 2014




Where in the Teachings of great leaders do we see insight into the relief from duality?   When Jesus spoke and told Satan to “stand behind me” (Matthew 16:23) could he have been talking to ego-mind? (Don’t miss the issue on “EGO-MIND” end January 2015. To be sure you get this directly to your mailbox, SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Don’t miss out.)  Could the Christ Jesus have been relating to something we all have to one extent or the other?  The ego-mind which drives us to self-destruction through self-serving, self-satisfying temptation when he speaks out to do the things of real men which would in fact be the God driven acts or thoughts which will be “doing the right thing’?  Doing what will benefit the whole and my brother (read sister too…) instead of the self-gratifying, so easy choice which takes only my needs into consideration?  Could this great teacher have been relating to this when he call for Satan to get behind thee?  Therefore if we work on the premise there is no hell, there is no Satan aside from our self-destroying ego centric thought pattern.  Driven by ego-mind which looks to destroy the real self, the soul which has direct connection to Universal Mind, the connection is constantly interrupted by these conditionings of egocentric, destructive thinking: Duality of being!





Relief from this duality and ego is what we need to continually work on, to bring ourselves to be one with God, or good.  To be ONE with creation, with life as it was meant to be lived and what our Soul is searching out to reconnect with.  We achieve this through Prayer and Meditation.  Our ‘Big Book’ of alcoholics anonymous tells us we have a ‘daily reprieve’ from our alcoholism, interchange, our self-serving ego-driven thought pattern (read insanity!), we can maintain this daily reprieve through and contact with a power greater than ourselves –which I chose to call GOD – this Power which is fundamentally omnipotent and omniscient (read - is all Powerful and is everywhere at once and always) This Power which is there at the tip of our finger to grasp whenever we actually reach out for it.  The power of choice grated us by this Great Creation allow us the Grace of God, we don’t need to do anything to deserve it, to win it or to be worthy of the Grace of God.  We do however need to reach for it.  Reach for the Grace of God, as it is there for us at all times but we actually have to do something to take it.  Prayer and Meditation are fundamental in this journey to Enlightenment.  This is there for you.  Believe this! Take it! IT IS YOURS FOR THE TAKING! It is YOUR DEVINE RIGHT! Take it NOW!  Open you HEART and accept the gift from the Universe, it is yours for the taking, believe it!



Look for next week’s edition on “INSANITY”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won’t miss a beat.



[i] ™Looney Tunes




November 26, 2014

EDITION 1 Issue #6


THANKSGIVING: What a sweet and wonderful word, reminds me, and I can smell it; turkey and pumpkin pie and all the kitchen odours and sounds go along with such a busy and crowded celebration of the most wonderful day of the year THANKSGIVING!  Aunty Linda with the excessive perfume, she just reeked! But what a nice woman she was, always full of surprises and gifts and crafts and tirelessly moving about the whole house helping with the meals, getting the men drinks, I think she was flirting with all my uncles and my daddy.  She would cook, serve, clean, and stay till everything and everyone was pretty much passed out from overeating, and overdrinking, overplaying and then I think she had to drive home because uncle was drunk…  Sometimes having to navigate snowstorms on the eastern seaboard where we lived.  Each and every one in a festive mood, happy, playful participatory and engaging; and uncle Gerry with the stories of how he grew up in Trinidad as a British subject and as he would have more drinks, and slip into further reverie he would come out with the Trinidadian accent, and when I would close my eyes for a moment the image in my head was of a crowd of dark coloured men, and not a white uncle of British lineage.  I will never forget the images I would conjure, and how far they are from reality, how my young imagination could steer me.  Those days are over.  But the celebration of Thanksgiving lives on.  

THANKSGIVING is one of the greatest metaphysical powers in the Universe.  The power of healing is within a Thank You!  The power of reconciliation is within a Thank You!  The power of Love is within a Thank You!  Such great metaphysical power in 2 simple words!  Why do we only celebrate Thanksgiving once a year?  In our household it is a daily celebration of Life on Earth, and the Thankfulness and Gratitude we express in our daily lives.  Expressing Thanksgiving daily to the Divine Creator of the Universe, or Source of ALL there is!



Well some of us celebrate Thanksgiving more often.  Take for an example a great show I like to watch on the television A&E Network called Duck Dynasty: What a wonderful expression of Thanksgiving on a daily basis.  A bunch of rednecks, I can relate to, who have built up a huge brand, and following, from a simple duck call, and the redneck lifestyle.  What sets them apart, the thing I notice the most call out to me?  The fact that at each and every meal, at the end of each and every episode, at the end of the day they have a communal meal where the patriarch of the family says Thanksgiving prayer through Jesus!  Each and every episode they ALL bow their heads in Thanksgiving.  Not just once a year at “Black Friday” being thankful to spend money the following day, lining up all hung over and shit!  But each and every day they express their thanks to the Divine Creator of the Universe through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

The power of this is immense.  Beyond our understanding and they profess their Thanks each day; and I love them for it!  To me this is what sets them apart from the rest; their Love of life, and of Creation and Love of Jesus enough to properly credit the Grace of GOD, as we know Him, every day of the year.  They don’t wait until Thanksgiving Day to profess their gratitude and Love for Jesus, and the Creation.



Why do we celebrate only one day of the year the Gifts and Love our Creator offers us daily, in every instant of every day?  And when we feel separation (more on “SEPARATION” in February 2015), when we feel separation from the Divine Creator and forget where and whence we came from, just drive over, or walk over to the nearest hospital and look at the Miracle of newborn, the innocence, The Spirit of Oneness within the gaze of a newborn.  When Jesus spoke of returning to the innocence of infancy, the playfulness and fearlessness that is LOVE of Creation, the Gifts within this innocence and fearlessness. The Gift of not having yet been subject to limitation, the limitation brought to us from family of origin, or original sin.  The fallacies we make up, and believe make us live in fear rather than living in unconditional Love which is our natural Spiritual setting.  As we are instructed and trained as we live on this earth we are separated from this original gift of Soul communion with the Creator, with the innocence and Oneness and we are conditioned to fear and loath and separate.  In separation we become lonely and fearful, not our Soul condition, but separation from this Oneness (more on “ONENESS” in a March, 2015 issue).    Why do we not come to the realization our thought pattern is flawed by ego-mind telling us there is pain, suffering, and something to repent about.  If we go on the Truth, the premise there is no such thing as sin; there couldn’t be such a thing because GOD is not evil. Evil originates in our conception, in our ego-selves creating a need to suffer and repent.  There being only the religions teaching of original sin, of sin and of suffering.  This having been created to assimilate the masses, and far from the original version of Jesus’ teachings, (Here Jesus is referred to as The Great Teacher, and not the religious icon propagated by Christian Religions, not that there is anything wrong with believing in some, or most of Christian and/or Catholic Religions) which teaches us to Love (see our February 2015 blog on “LOVE”. Yup right in time for Valentines’) our neighbour and treat others as we would like to be treated.   Let us not forget the good propagated though these Religions, and put aside the fallacies and errors derived through years and years of translations errors, and re-writing and adding hearsay: The error of sin. 


Correct usage of THANKING


Let us look at the metaphysical strength of Thank You, of Thanking our friends, fellows, even our enemies, (yes I did say enemies!  As we forgive, through Thanksgiving, we grow and release negative vibrations) for the defects we uncover (usually the defects we blame others for, are embedded deeply in us, and we uncover these when we perceive them in others, look carefully at yourself when you get angry, it will surprise you) when we get angry.   When we look at things in an attitude of Gratitude (look for our issue on “GRATITUDE” in March 2015) having an attitude, and a thought pattern geared in being grateful for all lessons in live, good and bad, will allow us to ever remain thankful for the gifts we receive from this “Universal Mind”, or Great Creator as the North American Aboriginal peoples call it (or Him, or Her, as you see fit).   My wife kindly pointed out to me: “If God is Creator, and gave Birth to our great Universe and Humanity, how can you all call it “Him” when only woman can Birth someone, or in this case something?” Therefore Creator would necessarily be “HER” as opposed to “HIM” (More on the Creation aspects, and the Him vs Her (HE vs She as C. G. Yung explains) argument in another edition).

“The grateful person knows that God is good, not by hearsay but by experience.  And that is what makes all the difference.”      Thomas Merton



But at the end of the day, whatever was an issue is past.  (See our issue on “LETTING GO” in January 2015)  When we look upon the past as exactly what it is: Past, we can more easily move on in a lighthearted way knowing we don’t have to hold onto our baggage as Paramahansa Yoganada kindly informed us:

 "You are walking on the earth as in a dream. Our world is a dream within a dream; you must realize that to find God is the only goal, the only purpose, for which you are here. For Him alone you exist. Him you must find."  –  The Divine Romance

If yesterday and all actions and happenings past are a dream, we need not hold them close to our heart, but allow them to evaporate as we awaken.  Therefore letting go of past assumptions, of our baggage and whatnot, is of major importance to our fulfillment of the life journey back to GOD, or Divine Creator, as you chose.

Look for next week’s edition on “DUALITY OF BEING”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won’t miss a beat.



EDITION 1 Issue #5


What does that mean? Who feels desperation? Why did I have to come to a place of complete and utter desperation to become willing to change?  The horrible and profound feelings of hopelessness and emptiness: Exasperation!  The hole in my heart that just won’t heal!

This place of desperation is hell.  So if we take for premise hell is but an illusion, a fabrication of theological misinformation, or translation error.  Or the condition ego-mind (for a better understanding of our take on “EGO-MIND” look for our blog on this in January 2015) creates to keep us locked in fear.  If we take for premise hell does not exist.  I created my own hell on earth to live the experience.  Ego-mind kept me in the grips of hell on Earth until I became desperate enough to be willing to change, to be willing to surrender my life, and my will, over to the care of GOD.  I needed to be in a place of complete emptiness and despair to become willing.  We don’t all have to come to such a deep and desperate place, I did and I now understand why.  I was so self-absorbed, so stubborn thinking I can fix me with the same thinking created the problem.  Well the very brilliant mind Einstein told us in the very much used quote we can’t fix a problem with the same kind of thinking which created it.  So I needed to surrender to the Great Power of Universal Mind, or a Power Greater than myself.  Some would call this omnipresent power GOD.  

“Hell is the state of the soul powerless to come out of itself, absolute self-centeredness, dark and evil isolation, i.e. final inability to love” - The Destiny of Man Nicolas Berdyaev: London 1937 pg. 351

What are the conditions applied to desperation sensations? How do we regenerate if we feel spiritually demoralized?

Photo by author Temple in Zhejiang&nbsp;Province P.R. China &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;©2014

Photo by author Temple in Zhejiang Province P.R. China     ©2014

Self-centeredness is a huge one. And taking the statement above for truth; the remedy for this “hell on earth” or despair is to come to terms with all that was, and go back to our past blogs (November 5, 2014 “ACCEPTANCE” and the week before and read October 29, 2014 of “FORGIVENESS”) and fully and completely come to terms and surrender (“SURRENDER” will be highlighted in the New Year -2015, subscribe today to be sure you don’t miss it.)  Coming to terms with all that is, and all that was.  Total acceptance and then surrender to the powerlessness of knowing God is the key to my Salvation.  Powerful as this last phrase is, it remains the truth.  As long as I remain in control of, or try to remain in control of my life, I am running on self-will, this perception I can remain in control is a fabrication of ego-mind. The ego-mind is so strong, so powerful and so deceiving.  As my late friend Milton used to say “my head got a contract out on my ass” and he knew full well this is his thinking, the self-centered, self-serving ego running amok telling us it will be okay this time.  If I pick up this once I will be able to control it.   If I just listen to my warped thinking I will be okay.  And I listen, I listen and then I have these feelings of desperation I am unloved, I am so lonely inside, and I try to fill this emptiness with outside issues.   Whether it be food, drugs, alcohol, sex….  I am trying to fill the whole in my soul, the emptiness and despair I fell, I try to fill and my thinking tells me it will be okay!  Well this is not the answer.




The answer comes first in the realization I have a problem.  The realization my life is unmanageable in the moral and inner self where I am unable to feel love, I am unable to get satisfaction from being.  I have been misled by my thinking, by my ego-mind who is trying to control my life and my body to the detriment of me.  What do I do?  I need to come to terms with this Idea of Salvation. (More on “SALVATION” in the New Year. Sign up now not to miss any issues)  What do I need to do?  I need to self-reflect and gain self-awareness. Where do I gain self-awareness?  We achieve self-awareness by the work of a twelve step program, a program of self-reflection and inner work, inner reflection which allows us to, not only come to terms with the deep rooted things from our past which are harming our forward development (this can be rooted in deep feelings of family of origin, or child abuse, of depression deep rooted within our being, of neglect, of separation syndrome….) the past which is hidden so deep inside we don’t know what is the root.  Until the day we commence the inner word of self-awareness leading to Salvation and acceptance of a Power Greater than ourselves will restore us to sanity.  When we are in the grips of ego-mind we are insane, we believe it will be different this time.  We continually do over and over and over the things which are killing us, expecting a different outcome the next time.  And each and every time we allow this warped thinking, or ego-mind the controls we wind up in self-sabotage and harm is done, often not only to ourselves but we hurt and abuse the loved ones closest to us.  Whether in neglect, in hurtful words or deeds, our actions are detrimental, and often insane.  And the worst is we don’t see the damage we have done until it’s too late.  For me the worst was the damage I did to my family and the ones I loved.  I continually pushed them away, thinking I was only hurting myself.  Thinking no one would be the wiser as my addiction got worse, as I lowered the bar on every aspect and circumstance in my life I lowered and lowered the bar and thought “nobody cares about me, as long as I stay away from the family, from my loved ones, they won’t know and it won’t hurt them.”   Well how wrong I was, how terribly selfish thinking, insane thinking, how can I live like this?  The ego driven emptiness had to be filled with something, and that something was killing me and my family, my loved ones.





Until the day I became completely willing to give myself to a simple program of recovery and self-awareness which was the 12 Step Program saved my life, renewed my connection with my family, rebuilt destroyed bridges and gave me the self-love, God centered self-awareness returned me to sanity.  This was achieved through Atonement (more on “ATONEMENT” in the New Year).  The Atonement was presented to me in the form of Grace, the Grace of God, or a Power Greater than myself, this Grace offered to me free for the taking, as long as I reached out to accept it.  It was introduced to me through a twelve step program which changed my life forever and beyond. This is the primary purpose of this blog, to carry the message to those, within and without the rooms on the Grace of God and the things offered beyond the twelve steps.  Be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to get the blog directly to your inbox.  Don’t delay, do it today!  


Look for next week’s edition on “THANKSGIVING”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won’t miss a beat.




EDITION 1  Issue  #4



Last week we spoke of ACCEPTANCE (see Ed #1 Issue #3; Nov. 5, 2014 blog) is the answer to all my problems, then why, oh God why, am I still suffering so, if I am in acceptance?  Why do I feel the despair (look for next week’s blog on “DESPAIR”, subscribe and don’t miss it!) and fear and loathing and all these terrible feelings?  Why?

PICTURE BY AUTHOR &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; …

PICTURE BY AUTHOR                                                                                                                                                          ©2014

Well the first question is: Am I really in ACCEPTANCE? Or do I just tell myself I have come to terms with the past and I will breeze through this.  If I do “half measures”, or only pretend to have accepted, and allowed my ego-mind (look for our blog on EGO-MIND in January 2015 for more detail) to keep running the show, I’m working on self-will run riot.  As long as I stay in the self-centered, self-seeking mode, and have not completely surrendered (look for our edition on “SURRENDER” in February 2015, subscribe now to be sure you get it delivered right to your mailbox) to the process.  A process of recovery laid out in the “12 Steps” for any of a number of recovery programs, be it AA, NA, Gamblers Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, Co-Dependants Anonymous…. The list goes on and on to well into the hundreds of programs based on the “12 Step” concept initially outlined in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately referred to as the “Big Book”.  (If you haven’t done this work, no matter whether you believe you have addictive tendencies, if you are reading this and are not familiar with the ‘program’ as laid out in the “Big Book” we suggest you get a copy from your local library and at least look at it. When you are ready to completely do the work outlined in the “12 Step Program” find a local group and a sponsor will take you through the process, it’s not something one does alone, just by reading the book, it is a process, and we highly recommend it.)  What am I still holding on to?  What is it I don’t want to release?  What is so deeply ingrained I will not face or will not let go of?



 Why is it we still suffer the insidious insanity of our past. Why do we feel the need to live in the past when all the teachings so far have told us to ‘let go’ to release through prayer and meditation?  The well versed quote from the book Alcoholics Anonymous fourth edition pg83 “We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.”  These words are well written yet do we really, like, really deep down inside, become this person who has completely released?  It’s a lot more difficult than it seems.  Our natural resistance to change keeps us in the grips of detrimental behaviors sometimes we don’t even realize are detrimental to ourselves and to others around us.  Take me as example:  Throughout most of my life I treated anyone and everyone who came into my life as if they were there to serve my purpose.  Not knowing this is the first premise of abuse, I used people, whether in sex relations, business relations, friendships; you came into my life, you were there to serve my hidden agenda.  This was driven from a ‘gangland mentality’ which is a very selfish and self-centred way of going about the world.  And I didn't realize I was hurting anyone, I did what I did because it was what I knew.  I knew only this life. The life of metal abuse and cruelty keeping you close only because you served some hidden agenda of mine, and when you no longer useful to me I threw you aside as if we never met.  Cold and completely detached, as if you never existed in my life, leaving you, presumably, with a huge hole and wondering what you did to cause separation.  When it was possibly nothing you did, just time for me to move on not realizing my behavior was hurtful.  Leaving devastation and destruction in its path, this behavior created animosity, broken relationships, hurt feelings and chaos in its wake.  Hurting other without realizing, or skipping a beat was all I was about.  Life went on….



Change (see our newsletter on “CHANGE” January 2015, be sure to subscribe to have it delivered directly to your mailbox) is really quite difficult.  We have an inane resistance to change.  We hold onto our habits, even when they are detrimental.  As my late friend Scotty used to say: “I hold on for dear life to the things which are killing me!”  And I well understand this now.  I refused to let go, unbeknownst to me,  and so continued to suffer even after having believed I had completely given myself to a ‘program’, as in the 12 step, a ‘program, of recovery where some others where seeing relief, or recovery for the seemingly hopeless state of mind that is recovery.  Change is so difficult as we hang onto our habits, to our character defects lead us to the same behaviours, over and over, we assume the same role, or same characteristics which were so detrimental to our life.  We hang onto our ‘default’ mode because it’s all we know, deep inside it is our comfort zone, no matter how bad some habits are, we hold onto them because this is where we are comfortable.  Be it aggressiveness, which is a territorial instinct driven by fear, and places our opponent, often a loved one, in terror, or in a defensive position and then we assume we are superior.  But all this behavior does is place more stress on an already stressed relationship when we are coming from a place of fear and defensiveness rather than from a place of care, love and tolerance, as the principles of the program teach us when we completely give ourselves to it.



Look for next week’s edition on “DESPAIR”.  And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive it directly you won’t miss a beat.



If acceptance is the answer to all my problems, how do I make sure I am manifesting this in all areas of my life?  How do I actually become accepting of all the bad and hurt and pain that has happened to me?  How can I possibly reconcile the damage has been done to me?  I have people say to me:  “You don’t know how it’s been, what it’s been like.”  The abuse, the torment, both physical and mental and demoralizing treatment from supposed ‘loved ones’.

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Edition 1 Issue 2



What is “FORGIVENESS”?  And why do I have to forgive someone who has done bad things to me, or my family, or my friends?

picture taken by the author &nbsp;©2014 All rights reserved

picture taken by the author  ©2014 All rights reserved


These are very good questions, and we must look deeper at the cause of this perceived wrongs.  Let’s take for granted no one is purposefully doing anything to hurt others.  If no one, ever, meant me wrong how could I possibly be resentful for perceived wrongs.  Could it all be an illusion?   We need to look at all instances and all actions of others from a perspective:  Do they know this will harm me, or my family, or my loved ones?  Most of the time, if not all of the time, the answer is no we perceive things differently from others.  Mostly our upbringing or family of origin, or circumstance is how the psychiatrists and learned professionals call it.  Our “Family of Origin” is the way our parents and ancestors thought patterns and our relationships create a thinking pattern within our close environment and this is not necessarily the same type of thought the neighbor has for sure.


So what does this have to do with forgiving wrongs done to me?  Well I had a difficult time with this at first because my thinking is I must retaliate in kind for things done to me, against people who attack me.  I must hold a grudge, and pay back is a bit___ (not sure I can use the word here so I won’t.)  I need to exact revenge for every wrong done to me, or to anyone whose actions affect my inner circle of family, friends, work environment, etc.…  I need to get even.


I now know holding resentment, or otherwise wishing revenge, retaliation or other form or ‘getting back at’ them, or him, or it, or otherwise holding a grudge, is a sin, a wrong way of thinking which leads to resentment.  If resentment is so damaging it could, and will, lead me to return to my old way, for me - drugs and alcohol, for others whichever their “drug of choice” is, whether food, sex, self-harming behaviors have so many faces.  If withholding forgiveness is like an ulcer remains untreated and escalating resentment I hold on to, I am in effect not treating a huge symptom of my disease.  If I don’t treat my dis-ease, I am on the road to relapsing, self-harm, or worse, lashing out and harming others.  So forgiveness and acceptance (next week’s installment on “Acceptance”) are the answer, how do I forgive those things are so hurtful, so harming?  How do I release this?  I just can’t let go.  I just can’t you say!  Well you can and you must.  If a jagged splinter is in your eye you must remove it for it will continue causing pain and will eventually fester, and puss will come out, infection will continue, and you will lose the eye, and worse, die.  Resentment is the same, it festers, and the ego-mind wants you to hold it close to your heart because the ego thrives on the pain.  The ego-mind will want you to hold onto this because it is one of the tools withholding you from the Truth.  The Truth will set you FREE, and the Truth lies in forgiveness and release from the things which are killing you.  The Truth lies in Atonement derived through Forgiveness.



So how do I release?  How do I let go of these feelings I need to hold to keep anger strong in my heart?  How do I let go, and let GOD?  Well it’s easy when we look closely at our character defects and the things are killing us, the things we cling to for false security.  The ego-mind holds us here and we need to let go and let GOD take over.  We need to allow the Truth to set us free.  How many times I hear this and didn’t understand what it meant, if you haven’t done step four the best of your ability.  If you haven’t done step work, we suggest you find a 12 step support group in your area, or if in a remote location or a country does not have AA, NA, Al-Anon and Al-Ateen support groups. Gamblers Anonymous, overeaters… the list goes on and on.  If you live in a remote location do a search engine for online support or connect with us and we will attempt to align you with the right group, or groups.  Doing the 4th step over again when we understand we need to search deeper and deeper into every corner of our resentfulness and find true forgiveness in our hearts.  And the first place to look is at self-condemnation.  So many of us hold the deepest resentments against ourselves, we hold resentment for perceived wrongs.  We need to forgive ourselves first and foremost.  For years I held on with dear life to the things that were killing me; anger, resentment, fear, self-loathing, self-harming and self-deprecating thoughts and behaviors.  This though pattern was ego driven and so harmful, like having cancer and not wanting to listen to the treatment methods.  The treatment would mean replacing ego-mind with Truth.  We certainly can’t have that, now can we?  Well this is my warped thinking.  Ego-mind doesn’t want me to find Truth, because Truth replaces ego-mind.  Truth is Love and communion with God.  There is no longer need for resentment when we have Truth.  Truth is timeless and overcomes all darkness.  We must eventually accept this.  But as long as we live in guilt and shame (look for our installment on “Guilt and Shame” in a December issue of our newsletter right here at, as long as we hold onto resentments we will not be in Truth.  Truth is Love.  Love is God, or connection to the Oneness of the Universal Mind.  May you find Him NOW!


Next blog post is on “ACCEPTANCE”. Subscribe now to be an integral part of the journey, we need your support to maintain the website, continued blogs and newsletters and Social Media feeds to those who are suffering, and to those of us needing to maintain connection and motivation throughout the day.


                                                                                                                      Edition 1 Issue 1

Beyond the 12th Step would like to welcome you to our new weekly e-newsletter. Please subscribe to ensure continued receipt of the very valuable information in these newsletters. We need your support and will provide value in weekly submissions, and daily social media feeds: @beyondthe12th. We hope you will enjoy this newsletter, but if you don't wish to receive this weekly feature, please click below to change your preferences. Also please feel free to submit articles if you have something to share. Please only submit personal stories omitting anything personal would identify anyone or any particular place. Be sure to include your permission for us to publish your work. (

                  Picture by author                                                                                        © 2014 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  

A New Beginning

Welcome to our first instalment of the new beginning. A new beginning of carefully searching for the answers, and working towards inner awakening, on our inner soul. Whether you are a co-dependent, an alcoholic, an overeater, addicted to drugs, to prescription medication, addicted to sex, overcome with incessant gabling, gaming, video games (for money or just for the challenge) …  Or just seeking the Light, looking for Enlightenment as so many of us are. You are welcome to join us on our journey. There are so many addictive behaviors, and the one we can almost all relate to is co-dependence.

Why do we feel these feelings, feelings of guilt, feelings of shame, feelings of inferiority, feelings of not belonging? Feeling alone?  Some of us have, or had, a deep sense of emptiness within our heart, a feeling of emptiness in the pit of our stomach.  This awful feeling we stymied and quashed with alcohol, drugs, food, sex, or any number of other ways to escape, to run form life as it is.  To be in a place where confusion and darkness overcomes us and we are filled with feelings of guilt and shame and inadequacy.

We have discovered, through 12 Step work, the answer and solution to our problems. The solution is a Spiritual Solution and here we will expand and expound on this Spiritual Solution. A Spiritual Solution we have found when we did the inner work in 12 Step work.  The Spiritual Solution we will continue to develop within our heart of hearts. In inner work we have a solution.

We have learned we need to continually do work on ourselves, through communion with a power greater than ourselves to achieve the Spiritual Path which we so strongly yearn for. We seek the connection to God, and here we will continue on the road to recovery and connection to this power which resides within our hearts.  We are stuck, sometimes, in a place where confusion and darkness overcomes us.  Here we discover, and continually keep this connection to a power greater than ourselves who restores us to sanity.  Because when we are in the grips of ego-mind, we are insane. We act and react from a place of fear and we feel hurt, anxious, worried, betrayed, lost, misunderstood, and sometimes desperate.

The 12 Steps

Those of use who have discovered a “Twelve Step Program” and have fearlessly, and thoroughly, done the inner work involved in the self-discovery and self-development through twelve Step Programs know the pain involved with coming to terms with character defects.  The pain, guilt and shame of the past tears away at our insides; we feel inadequate, inferior or just uncomfortable in our skin.  Having to forgive when our ego says attack! Having to de accepting of all the things, which had happened, are just that: Things that happened!  To release from the bondage of self, of selfishness, of self-centeredness. Of always having to have our own way, to be constantly right.

I have a good friend pass away a few years ago, my friend would often say:  “I would rather be happy than be right.”  I took me a while to get it. But I have this incessant need to be right because I know better that everyone else. It’s just the way it is.  I'm smarter, or better informed, or my logic faculties are superior. Whatever reasons my ego tells me “I'm” right.  Which would make anyone else wrong!   I have an innate need to be right all the time.  If we’re all right, and the other person wrong then how can we find Oneness?  We will forever be disconnected, alone, self-serving and self-seeking. This is not the way of Spiritual Enlightenment.  We look for redemption from our sins, bad behaviors, thoughts, and actions.  Follow us on this journey to Atonement and Freedom from the wreckage of the past, and the need to be disconnected from the Oneness.

The New Beginning

New beginning is renewal in Life and Light. New beginning in renewal for so many of us who have trudged the path of denial in addiction and “isms”, traumatic reactions to traumatizing experiences beyond our control.  So many of us discontent with life, with ourselves, with our circumstances.  We felt the need to use outside comforts to change the way we feel inside.  For some of us it was drugs, for others it was food, comfort food and lots of it. For others it may be sex, and more sex with so many partners of maybe the same sex, both sexes, multiple partners at once, or in the same day, to make us feel better.  To relieve the pain and suffering, to change the circumstances the way we feel about ourselves the way we interact with our friends and neighbours. Some of us chose alcohol, which instantly released us from our inhibitions, our inability to freely express ourselves or communicate. All of a sudden we had the power to be who, or what, we most wanted to be, free.  Free from our self-loathing and deprecating ways, free from the ravages of addiction, free from the pain and suffering others have been putting us through. Free from the constant chirping in our head telling us things we don’t want to hear. Resembling the likes of the 2 miniature characters sitting atop each shoulder as in the cartoons. We had a devil on one shoulder screaming way louder than the Angel telling us it’s OK. (Blog on “Duality of Being” will follow Thanksgiving.) 

There is a solution; the solution resides in the Spiritual one. The whispering inside telling us we must listen to the Truth, and not the ego-mind ruling from a place of fear, a place of shame, a place of inequity and torment at the things we did, heard, where done to us. The things we felt so bad about which are tormenting and everything will be okay! …  Atonement is what we find in the inner work. Atonement is what we find when we stay connected with Beyond the 12th for the work needs to continue, or we will find ourselves right back where we started. Relapsed and wondering what happened.      I see it almost daily. 5, 10, 12, 15 even 25 years without picking up ten finding a drink, a drug, or other behavior we concluded was destructive and we thought we has completely given ourselves

Maintaining our Awareness

So as we understand we must move away from these feelings of guilt and shame. In the step work we released some, if not all. But our conditioning persists.  We hang on for dear life to the things which are killing us.  Without continued diligence and a closed eye on the forward development we soon find ourselves doing some old behavior. Insulting someone, and justifying it as teasing. Taking someone’s inventory, judging the person or behavior as inappropriate, as something “I wouldn't do!”, committing other behaviors we are supposed to have cleansed as inappropriate character defects.

Next blog post is on “FORGIVENESS”.  Subscribe now to be an integral part of the journey, we need your support to maintain the website, continued blogs and newsletters and Social Media feeds to those who are suffering, and to those of us needing to maintain connection and motivation throughout the day.